''The Zack Files'' is a science fiction television program based on a book series of the same name. It revolves around a young boy, played by Robert Clark, who is a magnet for paranormal activity and attends Horace White High School for Boys along with his three friends Cam, Gwen, and Spencer. Zack manages to get himself into trouble with his paranormal adventures and it is up to his friends to help him set things straight. The series is based on a series of books with the same name, written by Dan Greenburg. In August 2004, Goldhill Home Media released the first season on DVD. ==Main characters== *Zachary "Zack" Greenburg (played by Robert Clark): The main protagonist. A relatively normal kid but often becomes a magnet for the paranormal. *Cameron "Cam" Dunleavy (played by Jake Epstein): One of Zack's best friends who will do anything to make a quick buck. *Spencer "Spence" Sharpe (played by Michael Seater): Another of Zack's best friends and the keeper of ''The Zack Files'' who is obsessed with paranormal activity and is attempting to win the Nobel Prize by proving the paranormal exists. *Gwendolyn "Gwen" Killerby (played by Katie Boland): Doesn't believe in paranormal activity and her father is headmaster of their school, which allows her to be the only girl at an all-boys academy. *Vernon Mantueffel (played by Noah Giffin): The series' main antagonist. He is jealous of Cam, Spence and Zack. He is Zack's nemesis, the richest kid in school and is in love with Gwen. He also sweats a lot. *Daniel "Dan" Greenburg (played by Jeff Clarke): Zack's father, divorced and kind of clueless. *Jennifer "Woman From 302" (played by Collette Micks): Downstairs neighbor and sometime girlfriend of Zack's dad. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「The Zack Files」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク